A Good Man Is Hard To Find Download

The patriarch of the story’s central family, Bailey is the Grandmother’s son and June Star and John Wesley’s father. Despite the constant distractions from his mother and children, he simply wants to go on a trip to Florida as planned. He is reluctant to take a detour to visit the house that the Grandmother remembers, and only gives in to stop being harassed by his children. Bailey seems to be a weary and irritable figure, worn down by the constant conflict in his family—particularly his mother’s self-righteous nagging and his children’s insolence.

A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND 141 highest limb as soon as he saw the children jump out of the car and run toward him. Inside, The Tower was a long dark room with a counter at one end and tables at the other and dancing space in the middle. Looking for A Good Man Is Hard To Find Full Download Do you really need this pdf of A Good Man Is Hard To Find Full Download It takes me 53 hours just to get the right download link, and another 2 hours to validate it. Internet could be brutal to us who looking for free thing. A Good Man is Hard to Find The story opens on a family about to take a road trip. The Grandmother —who wants to convince her family to travel not to Florida, but to Tennessee—shows a newspaper article to her son, Bailey, and Bailey’s wife.

Bailey Quotes in A Good Man is Hard to Find

A Good Man Is Hard To Find Download

The A Good Man is Hard to Find quotes below are all either spoken by Bailey or refer to Bailey. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:).Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Farrar, Strauss and Giroux edition of A Good Man is Hard to Find published in 1971.

“I wouldn’t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn’t answer to my conscience if I did.”

Related Characters:The Grandmother (speaker), Bailey, John Wesley, June Star
Related Themes:
Page Number and Citation:117
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“You all ought to take them somewhere else for a change so they would see different parts of the world and be broad. They never have been to East Tennessee.”

Related Characters:The Grandmother (speaker), Bailey, Bailey’s Wife (the Mother), John Wesley, June Star
Related Themes:
Page Number and Citation:117
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The grandmother was curled up under the dashboard, hoping she was injured so that Bailey’s wrath would not come down on her all at once.

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Page Number and Citation:125
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“Listen,” Bailey began, “we’re in a terrible predicament! Nobody realizes what this is,” and his voice cracked. His eyes were as blue and intense as the parrots in his shirt and he remained perfectly still.

Related Symbols:The Grandmother’s Hat
Related Themes:
Page Number and Citation:128
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There were two more pistol reports and the grandmother raised her head like a parched old turkey hen crying for water and called, “Bailey Boy, Bailey Boy!” as if her heart would break.

Related Characters:The Grandmother (speaker), Bailey
Related Themes:
Page Number and Citation:132
Explanation and Analysis:

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Bailey Character Timeline in A Good Man is Hard to Find

The timeline below shows where the character Bailey appears in A Good Man is Hard to Find. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...the Grandmother would rather go to Tennessee. She shows a newspaper article to her son Bailey, whose house she lives in. The article tells of an escaped convict known as the...(full context)
Bailey ignores the Grandmother, so she then turns to Bailey’s wife, an innocent-looking woman holding a...(full context)
...and is hiding a basket with their cat, Pitty Sing, in it. Against her son Bailey’s wishes, the Grandmother has brought the cat out of fear that it would miss her...(full context)
...Grandmother sitting in the back with John Wesley and June Star. In the front sit Bailey, Bailey’s wife, and their baby. The grandmother records the car’s mileage, thinking that it would...(full context)
The Grandmother holds Bailey’s youngest child, the baby. As they pass a graveyard, the Grandmother notes that it used...(full context)

A Good Man Is Hard

The family enters The Tower, and Red Sam’s wife takes their orders. Bailey’s wife puts music on the jukebox, and the Grandmother asks Bailey if he wants to...(full context)
...The house was lavish and ornate, and she remembers how to get there. Knowing that Bailey will not want to visit, the Grandmother lies, saying there was a secret panel somewhere...(full context)
...of the house, and John Wesley speculates about the placement of the secret panel. But Bailey says that they can’t go inside because people probably live there. John Wesley suggests that...(full context)
Bailey swerves when the cat attacks him, and the car crashes. The grandchildren are knocked to...(full context)
...John Wesley asks what he has a gun for, and the man with glasses asks Bailey’s wife to collect and calm her children. “What are you telling US what to do...(full context)
As Bailey attempts to explain their situation, the Grandmother interrupts, shouting, “You’re the Misfit!” The man in...(full context)
...he should not call himself “the Misfit” because he must be good at heart. “Hush,” Bailey demands, saying that he will handle it. Hiram says that the car will take half...(full context)
The Misfit instructs Hiram and Bobby Lee to take Bailey and John Wesley over to the woods, telling Bailey that his men need to ask...(full context)
Good man is hard to find grandmother
...and “borrowed these from some folks we met.” The Grandmother offers an extra shirt from Bailey’s suitcase.(full context)
...Lee and Hiram arrive back from the woods, one of them carrying the shirt that Bailey was wearing. The Misfit asks for the shirt and puts it on. The Misfit explains...(full context)

A Good Woman Is Hard To Find

Two more gunshots ring out from the forest. The Grandmother raises her head and shouts “Bailey Boy!” once again. The Misfit states that only Jesus could raise the dead, and that...(full context)
A good man is hard to find download
Glasserman, Ethan. 'A Good Man is Hard to Find Characters: Bailey.' LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 15 Mar 2016. Web. 14 Jun 2019.
Glasserman, Ethan. 'A Good Man is Hard to Find Characters: Bailey.' LitCharts LLC, March 15, 2016. Retrieved June 14, 2019. https://www.litcharts.com/lit/a-good-man-is-hard-to-find/characters/bailey.